Hi, Sell my LOA2 account, total BR is 620m, level 104. VIP 9. Squad: Pamela+8-23m B.R , eternal set all 3 star, R28,lvl 130, Wyrm heart + Divine Shield 4 star,R8 Moira angel of apocalypse the judicator-366m B.R , eternal armor 6 star, dragon girdle 5 star, dragon blade 5 star, dragon skull 5 star, grade, all R52 lvl 208, Wheel of fate 9 star lvl104+ Mystic Hourglass 8star lvl 104, R11, animate lvl7, Evo lvl5, grade lvl7-8 blade lvl 8, runestone R11 lvl11,Mount enhance 75 augment R8.Minion Avatar demon lord Dora+7-23m B.R , eternal set all 3 star, R27 lvl 131-126, Wyrm heart 4 star lvl 45 + Divine Shield 4 star lvl 45, R8 Rei+7-25m B.R, eternal set all 3 star, R28 lvl 130, Wyrm heart 4 star lvl 45 + Divine Shield 4 star lvl 45, R8 Main Character+8 129m B.R , eternal set 6-4 star, R35 lvl 150, Wheel of fate 5 star lvl 70 +Mystic Hourglass 5 starlvl 70, R10 , charm rank 84, grade lvl 4, runestone R8 lvl8, Awaken lvl 7 all. Mount: War Mammoth transformed R6 and skill R11, Panda, Unicorn, Cerberus, Lunar beast, Armored Leopard, Lunar Lion all R5, Landrunner, Lycorax R1. Battle Pet:Azurous R10 lvl96,Evolution 3, Dragonite R3 lvl50, Mystic Fox R3 lvl50, Kitsune R3 lvl41, and more..