Sold Selling S1-S8 Ranked PvP Account

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by tbegr, 10/20/17.

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  1. tbegr

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    Hi playerup,

    I'm selling a SWTOR account mainly focused on PvP.

    Highlight: ALL S1-S8 tier 1 rewards including S1 Armors, S2 Giradda's Helmet, S3 Armors ! Multiple s8 t1 & t2


    PvP Rewards:

    - S1 Armors & Weapons
    - S2 Giradda's Helmet + Decoration
    - S3 Armors & Weapons & Crystals + Mounts
    - S4 Weapons & Crystals
    - S5 Weapons & Crystals
    - S6 Weapons & Crystals + Mounts + Flags
    - S7 Crystals + Mounts + Flags
    - S8 Weapons & Crystals + Mounts + Flags

    Main Characters:


    lvl 70, valor 95 cxp 300
    Just a Little Furious, Fairly Furious, the Entertaining, Favored by the Scorekeeper, the Fearless and Inventive, Hot, Sizzling, the Fiery
    Baron Deathmark's Predacious Wrangler, Ember Makrin, cyber rancor


    lvl 70, valor 94
    the Dauntless, the Entertaining, Crowd Pleaser, Predator
    Ember Makrin


    lvl 70, valor 87 cxp260
    the Furious
    Head Hunter, the Fearless and Inventive, Giradda's Kind of Scum, Hot, Sizzling, the Fiery
    Giradda's Acklay, Ember Makrin


    lvl 70, valor 86
    Fairly Furious, Favored by the Scorekeeper, Hot


    lvl 70, valor 85
    Just a Little Furious, Fairly Furious, the Fearless and Inventive, Hot, Sizzling


    lvl 70, valor 79
    S-2 Professional, Fairly Furious, Favored by the Scorekeeper, the Fearless and Inventive, Hot, Sizzling


    lvl 70, valor 79
    S-2 Champion, Fantastically Furious, the Fearless and Inventive, Hot, Sizzling
    Baron Deathmark's Furious Walker


    lvl 70, valor 71
    Just a Little Furious, Fairly Furious, the Fearless and Inventive


    lvl 70, valor 69
    Hot, Sizzling


    lvl 65, valor 68
    S-2 Professional


    lvl 70, valor 66
    Hot, Sizzling


    lvl 70, valor 63
    Head Hunter, the Fearless and Inventive, Hot


    lvl 55, valor 61
    S-2 Champion


    lvl 70, valor 60
    Favored by the Scorekeeper, the Fearless and Inventive, Hot, Sizzling, the Fiery


    lvl 70, valor 56
    Head Hunter

    Other Characters:

    Marauder lvl 70
    Sentinel lvl 70
    Scoundrel lvl 68
    Powertech lvl 65
    Sage lvl 65
    Shadow lvl 65


    - Manhunter
    - Founder
    - Legacy 50
    - All class buffs
    - Serveral rare cartel items like

    Agile Reconaissance Armor Set
    Ajunta Pall's Armor Set
    Temple Guardian Armor Set
    Mask of Nihilus
    Exterminator's Armor Set
    Jolee Bindo's Armor Set
    Mira's Armor Set
    Primeval Stalker's Armor Set
    Thexan's Robes
    Advanced White War-Hero Crystal
    Overlord's Command Throne
    Savage Nexu
    Meditation Chamber
    Reaver's Armor set
    Technolith Matrix Tuning

    - some toons are on EU servs and some are on US servers
    - have plenty s8 ranked comms scattered among different characters which you can buy weapons / decos

    Don't hesitate to contact me if interested, or for more informations.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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