[Hiring] College level English Essay Outline (Novel 1984)

Discussion in 'Jobs Hirings & Offerings' started by cdong5x, 10/20/17.

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  1. cdong5x

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    Looking for someone to write up an outline for an essay. Preferably someone who's decent at English at the University/College level

    To create an argumentative essay with 3 sources to support 3 different ideas about our culture. One of the sources must be from the novel 1984 while the other 2 could be documentary/article/media

    -Argumentative thesis statement
    -General summary about the issue being addressed
    -3 sources (examples, quotes) 1 being the novel: 1984
    -Explanation of the ideas/points

    If interested or have any questions, contact me through my signature.
    Payment will be discussed over skype.

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