Help to sell my MBP

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Xpoz, 10/19/17.

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  1. Xpoz

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    Hello guys !

    Well I need your help on this one,

    I’m using my MBP for a week now but I don’t really like it and I’ll prefer have a gamin laptop to the same price

    So I’m thinking to sell it but I don’t know how,

    I’m living in a big city so what do you think about ?
    Can I lower the price 300$ under the real price ?
    What can I risk ? Because I saw that I mustn’t give the serial number or etc to prove the warranty but why ?
    I thought it was only the order number who was link to me directly

    Can the guy go to an Apple store with it and say «*hello can I see if this laptop isn’t stolen ?*» and are they able to see me or see each Apple ID which have been connected to the Mac ?

    Because I’ve created a new one to order and I’m using my real Apple ID now, the same as my iPhone but I don’t want any trouble later like in a month or year you know

    Give me your advises :)

    THanks !
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