Selling my main I spend really much money on it, in a month abouth 1000$ so I dont write here now a price just pm me and we can negotiate about it Img: Info: Rank 271, 40 lovegems at the moment so be sure you at android that you dont lose them or just write me when I should solo them. All promo URs except first kotori, shes in seal shop so I will buy her. Then it has all promo URs who you can get It has 21 non promo URs (16 Idolized) and most URs all skill lvl 2-3. SSR score cards are most skill lvl 3 and SR cards are because of many copys skill lvl 2-5 At the moment it has 4 SSR seals and one UR Seal. URs, SSR and SR all by copy or SSR Seals from SSR Muse Intitals It has both 5.0 bough titles from the big URs packs Nothing was sold for tickets. Its not very farmable anymore, all songs are cleared and the most full combo. For more information just write me here a pm or instagram.: facebook.: negotiate