Sold Trading Wtt or wts lv 69 127k er bm with sm (Tidewater)

Discussion in 'Revelation Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Mustafazclk, 10/19/17.

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  1. Mustafazclk

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    Hi mates,
    As I said in title I'm a bit bored to play bm and I would like to trade with sm who has 120k+ er points.
    50/60 arcana ( have 900k+ notes so its enough for 60/60 just need exp)
    2 pieces of lv6 sould grid ( death+spectre ) (Opened lv 2 physical def break +200)
    2 pieces of lv 5 soul grid
    Rest lv 4 soul grid
    Have rare wing(dark wing-cost12€) and gold mount (bm mount one)
    wonderfull stats i have
    ALL Gold Item
    Talisman has crit increment and physical def break (very rare if boths are in same staff)
    Main weap and 2 rings with crit incr rate %
    2nd weap and neck has phsyical def break
    all premium version for 40+days
    Alt Character lv 56 GS
    Contact with me for more details and pictures
    selling it like 150 €
    (selling with mail address)
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