Selling Selling Crs|cards|clintz 3euro per million | Cheapest !

Discussion in 'Urban Rivals Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by UrFan22, 10/19/17.

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  1. UrFan22

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    I got x2 copies of nearly ALL crs except big5.

    I sell at 3euro per million. For example flavio 2million on UR market I sell for 6euro. Negotiations accepted.

    Other things:
    5 lyse teria cr (25euro/u)
    2 General cr (25euro/u)
    2 Dj Korr Cr (28euro/u)
    3 Guru (30euro/u)
    50m cash (3.5euro/u)

    Exchange with paypal. Message me or post here.

    4 Guru Cr
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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