Help with orders keep getting cancelled

Discussion in 'Guides for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by memphis1212, 10/17/17.

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  1. memphis1212

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    I had a apple failed refund a while ago and I've started to try again but my order keeps getting cancelled. I've tried using new IP and device by going to the library and use a computer there. I have a new Cc with new bank new number new address, etc. and the order still gets cancelled. They said it was canceled because my information didn't match my banks but I believe that is false because the money comes out of my account and my bank says they approved the payment on their end. The only similar thing to my last order is that the name is the same as the billing info on the failed order but not the name of the order it self. Does anybody have any experience with this and or have any tips? Thanks.
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