LEVEL MAP: 28 SKILLS: 70 About 260k battlepoints PEARLS: 13.500.000 EXP: about 2.6 Mld ELP: 2.9 Mld Ammo: Screenshot by Lightshot Items: Screenshot by Lightshot Crystals: 2.500 Cannons: 261 doomhammers lv.3 - 102 doomhammers lv.4 - 115 devastator - 14 devastator lv1 - 4 devastator lv2 - 233 vodoo lv4 - 17 vodoo lv5 - 66 firestorm lv 4 - 6 firestorm lv 2 - 23 firestorm lv.0 Gems: Screenshot by Lightshot Pets: Screenshot by Lightshot and other A lot of pirates for boarding