Selling [Sell] Cheap Clintz & Cards

Discussion in 'Urban Rivals Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ebay, 9/3/17.

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  1. Ebay

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    I recently started an urban rivals shop on eBay.
    You can check out the store online or ask me for specific cards so I can make custom deals.
    I focus on fast delivery, Cheap prices and satisfaction.

    Promotion: Just like I have seen before with one seller I will give everyone who replies to this thread and shoots me a personal message with their in game username, 100k in cards for free.
    (Actions on this site will take longer processing then on eBay.)​
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    Destinator likes this.
  2. Keroro ★

    Keroro ★
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    I'm interested (not only in buying but also that cute promotion) , so could you please message me ? :
    [email protected]

    Hope we can reach an agreement with prizes ;)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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