Sold Selling 4 accounts REMA , Crafts, Mules

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by petoria11, 10/16/17.

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  1. petoria11

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    Have 4 accounts wanting to part with,ill try and be as descriptive as possible
    2 mains and 2 mules

    Not OO on any of these but have all information except on 4th account ( have had 4th account for 14 years got from a friend )

    1st main is 5 Mythic ( 4 AG ) 5 Aeonic 2 Relic and 2 Emp

    WHM 2100 JP
    BLM 2100 JP ( all nuking sets +50% mb dmg, death set etc)
    THF 2100 JP
    PLD 2100 JP ( has souveran+1 4/5 )
    RNG 2100 JP
    SMN 2043 JP ( apogee +1 4/5 has phys bp and mag bp sets )
    BLU 2100 JP
    SCH 2100 JP
    GEO 2100 JP
    RUN 2100 JP ( enmity , -dt, dps sets)
    SAM 2010 JP ( tp, ws, 6 step sets)

    102 boneworking


    other noteable items are vara rings +1, regal earring, regal ring, utu grip, ( most all omen drops )

    2nd main is 2 Mythic (AG) 3 Relic , 4 Aeonic , 1 Emp
    war 2100 jp
    blm 2100 jp
    rfm 2100 jp
    thf 2100 jp
    drk 2100 jp
    rng 1582 jp
    blu 2100 jp
    cor 2100 jp
    sch 2100 jp
    run 2100 jp

    regal necklace, regal ring , utu grip etc
    goldsmith is 106
    fishing 110 with ebisu

    3rd account ( mule )was bought from this thread

    4th account is crafting / bard buff drop mule
    bard has g-horn and is 4 song
    110 cooking with chef's shield
    99 leather
    102 alchemy
    75 clothcraft

    also has 30k alexandrite on 4th account i was going to use for Tizona or RNG mythic

    1st account is $1700
    2nd account is $1300
    3rd is $700
    4th is $100 no alex $300 with alex

    will take $3500 for everything

    paypal if you have rep etc etc or WU if not

    can take more pictures or screen share on request
    any questions feel free to pm
    #1 petoria11, 10/16/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 5/26/21
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