Sold Selling S>FE Heroes account(Brave Lyn,

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aethyrr, 10/14/17.

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  1. Aethyrr

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    Hello I am here today to sell my main Fire Emblem Heroes account as I rarely play it nowadays. It has 14k feathers at the moment and a few orbs but not many. Here is the album of all of the units it has If you want to know the IVs of any units in particular feel free to ask. I'm looking for at least $70 for this account. The easiest way to reach me would be discord which is Sylvatis#0644. Hope to hear back from some people soon.

    Edit: Meant to include +2 Brave Lyn, +1 Black Knight, Ryoma and 2x Hector in the topic.
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