Sold Selling Ffxi account for sale - few 99 s relic/empy brd. Master geo and sch.

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XI FFXI Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by chipsahoy, 10/14/17.

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  1. chipsahoy

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    Looking to sell my own FFXI account that I have not played in awhile.

    Comes with Relic horn/Empy harp bard with a few job points. Master SCH and GEO. WHM at 99, dancer at 99 and Beast and Corsair at 99 and THF at 99.

    All have decent enough gear but also leaves room for some of your own improvements. Clothcraft is I think 94? Just dozen or so levels away from cap with the apron and Glasses, so another thing for you to do.

    Last time I was playing I was working on getting legend state or whatever it was called for the GEO relic.

    All jobs that are 99 are geared so can be played right away. Lots and lots of items, I played since EU launch with this account so I am the original owner. Have a whopping 700+ days logged.
    All expansions are on the account.
    Most missions are done, so access to every zone.

    Last time I checked there was 8 or 9 Million in gil and about a further 8-10m in sellables if thats your thing.

    Currently not subscribed so cant really check, but if there is enough interest I will subscribe and answer any questions.

    Would make a great main Character or a great GEO/BRD/WHM mule if thats your thing.

    The screenshots I have added are a bit old but took last time I though of selling so some things might have improved.

    The character is an EU one, a Taru Female with pig tails.

    Any questions let me know and I will try to answer them,

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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