Sold Selling Warframe Account MR20 [Origianl Owner]

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Aleppe, 10/14/17.

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  1. Aleppe

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    Hello everyone, I'm selling my MR 20 Warframe account for 125 Euro/USD.
    Add me on Skype: Algamus94
    Or you can just pm me here. We can use Middleman instead of Paypal.

    Warframes: Ash Prime, Banshee Prime, Ember Prime, Frost Prime, Loki Prime, Mag Prime, Nekros Prime,
    Nova Prime, Nyx Prime, Oberon Prime, Rhino Prime, Saryn Prime, Trinity Prime, Valkyr Prime, Volt Prime.
    Vauban Prime and Hydroid Prime are present in Foundry (2/3 crafted parts + Blueprints). You
    will only need to farm Nitain Extracts in order to complete the craftin process for these Warframes.

    Primary Weapons: Boar Prime, Boltor Prime, Braton Prime, Burston Prime, Cernos Prime, Latron Prime,
    Paris Prime, Soma Prime, Sybaris Prime, Tigris Prime.

    Secondary Weapons: Akbronco Prime, Akstiletto Prime, Hikou Prime, Sicarus Prime,
    Lex Prime, Spira Prime, Vasto Prime, Euphona Prime, Sicarus Prime.

    Melee Weapons: Ankyros Prime, Bo Prime, Dakra Prime, Dual Kamas Prime, Fang Prime, Fragor Prime,
    Galatine Prime, Glaive Prime, Nikana Prime, Orthos Prime, Scindo Prime, Silva & Aegis Prime.

    Sentinel & Weapons: Carrier Prime, Helios Prime, Wyrm Prime.

    I have 5487 TOTAL MODS with 75,703 RATING. 447 Unique mods.
    It's a must to say that i have every set of mod: Puncture, Slash, Impact, Cold, Fire, Electric, Toxin.

    Prime Mods: Primed Bane of Corrupted, Primed Bane of Grineer, Primed Bane of Infested,
    Primed Continuity, Primed Flow, Primed Cryo Rounds, Primed Heated Charge, Primed Heavy Trauma,
    Primed Morphic Transformer, Primed Pistol Gambit, Primed Point Blank, Primed Pressure Point,
    Primed Ravage, Primed Reach, Primed Target Cracker.

    I've spent a lot of platinum in-game. Deluxe Skin BUNDLES for Ash, Banshee, Chroma, Trinity, Rhino,
    Frost. Stalker Pack for Scimitar Skin, War, etc. 13 Syandanas, Pakal Armor SET, Avia Armor SET, Daedalus
    Armor SET, Eos Prime SET, Riv Elite Armor SET and some other spare parts. 7 Colour Palettes: Classic
    Saturated, Easter, Halloween, Ki'Teer, Valentine, Shamrock, Twilight. Weapon Skins too.

    Since it's IMMENSE, I don't want to put here ALL the mods and weapons (not prime) I have or I miss
    but if you have questions you can always post below. I miss few "special" weapons and some Archwings.
    I still have a lot of Warframes/Weapons in inventory to Exp and i'm already MR20. I didn't complete
    some Quests because i'm a Casual but Grinder player, I play 4 or 5 days in 2 weeks, but for 9/10 hours.
    Playing since 2014, before it was on Steam for a total of 2000+ hours.

    Like I said, for every question you can post right below here. Price is # but you will not regret my account!
    Plains of Eidolon's Patch is already online, don't miss the opportunity to play this huge patch with powerfull stuff.

    There are some images of me playing and some for pure "cosmetic" purpose. I can screenshot my primes, mods, everything you need
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