Selling   [Growtokens for sale]

Discussion in 'Growtopia Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sanitizerz, 10/14/17.

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  1. Sanitizerz

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    Selling cheap GTokens in Growtopia for world locks.

    How does it work?

    1. Choose how many growtokens you want to buy from me.

    2. I will start using my bot to use over 1000+ alts from my # # of accounts to go to your world, and /rate 5

    This is how it works.

    my bot uses 1 of my many accounts which i have saved to /rate 5 in your world. Then, it logs out and goes to the next account i have saved and repeat the proccess. It may take a while though... Depending on how many tokens you want.

    3. Prices and estimated waiting time

    10 tokens- 25 world locks 10-15 mins waiting time

    30 tokens-70 world locks. 15-30 mins waiting time.

    70 tokens- 150 world locks.30-60 mins waiting time

    150 tokens- 390 world locks. 90-120 mins waiting time.

    200 tokens- 450 world locks. 120-180 mins waiting time.

    200+ tokens- 200 tokens/450 wls.|Buy more=1 token for 3wls

    Leave the bot to spam OVERNIGHT(1000-2000 tokens) 1500 world locks.

    Need to buy at least 10.

    Dont trust me? Install the bot and see for yourself. I put 5 bots inside already. See for yourself how hard it is to put in 1 bot.

    Custom made. No GrowID OR password required.

    Leave in the comments if the bot worked.

    If you want to buy GTokens,you pay first.

    If you dont believe and want to try for yourself install the link above |||||||

    Tags: gtoken gtokens gt growtopia dls dl diamond lock world farm cheap pixel world pixel worlds pw bedrock free g aura golden aura b aura black aura pb party blaster f eyes zeus gtoken growtoken g pick golden pickaxe account cheap world lock diamond lock megaladon songpyeon vend harvester wing legendary phoniex wing pwing ewing quit # ancestral seed break lock trade hand mask wl wls vcape devil wing devs angel wing angels io inside out minecraft ds death scarf leaf leaf board floating leaf seafoam set hood shifty dragon drag gb growboard sb starboard mega megaphone crystal cape cosmic cape vampire cape meteor comet lenses burning eye b eye shirt dirt cave rock trd brock pinball sell buy ftank venus harvest heavenly hand death ring gemini force wisdom the one water orb anime malevolent harvester of sorrows soul harvester gtx computer tractor scam donate robinsons g angel da vinci n dev golden angel nightmare devil g robinsons golden air robs g teeny golden teeny wings razor wing growganoth halloween bait winterfest chandelier chand chands rp riding phoniex phoniex pacifier pet puddy d spade digger spade red harvester dear john transformice minecraft hypixel saico pvp gtopia singapore bushigt seth hammumu mineplex burning cosmic pegasus youtuber mod piglet leash cow leash lil t dev teeny devil wings prismatic aura hat med scarf medical scarf l wiz legendary wizard l wizard legendary quest parkour title bot thingamabob doohickey 200 bedok koi cloud bunny full plat platform seagull fire escape f e fescape f escape csn casino lol lmao it ringmaster quest pro nub noob item daily sign quest shrimp nego pure skem tv floor wall rare name candy cane drop mini you pirahna puddy puppy cape blanket wave bubble autmn weather machine heatwave warp night comet meteor howling sky wolf spirit night arid blast harvest moon rainy desert new pz punch zombie jammer balloon p guardian pg elock emerald lock rlock royal lock xeno xenonite party weather builders lock mini mod g charm ghost charm pine pineapple rlock ruby lock robotic lock robo lock stat science g heart crystal golden diaper dhorn diamond horn g horn golden horn p tunes emerald
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  2. PlayerUp

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    Automated Helper Bot
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    [trigger]Guide - How To Report A Dispute

    Automated Response

    If someone you believe has scammed you, please open a Dispute Form Here. Filing a report takes 2 minutes and will then provide us the necessary information to take action against the individual and assist you at resolving the dispute. Thank you for your cooperation on this matter and sorry to hear about the problems you experienced.

    [trigger=by]For: Sanitizerz Re: #1[/trigger]
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
  3. PlayerUp

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    Automated Helper Bot
    Bot Status (Automated): Handles automated general support inquiries

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