Account lvl 50(EU). Only reason i seel i because i dont have time to play. 27 6*(double tarq) non farmable nat 5: Pshamate,Rakan,Lagmaron,Anavle,Alicia,Vannesa,Jamire L&D nat5: Shan Fusions:Vermos,Sigmarus,Xiong Fei,for Palladin all recepies except Luan L&D nat4:Molly,Chamie,Gemini,Woonhak Good nat4:Galleon,Stella,Rigel,Verdehile,Hwa,Lushen,Chasun,Lisa,Ema,Shiwa,Julie,Tyron,Hwahee,Chole,Sonnet,Orion,Ravitti,Malaka ToaN finisher Speed gb10(98%) Auto db10(100%) Speed db10(50%)-but afeter some skill ups and frr day 85+ probbably Nb9 auto(100 %) R4 team Toah 70-90 finisher for sure Full skill up monsters:Galleon,Megane,Sigmarus,Tarq,Tarq,Stella,Rakan,Collen,Spectra,Xiong Fei,Lagmaron,Chasun,Bella,Shan,Vermos,Adrien,Chole,Mav,Thrian,Copper,Raviti. ************************************************************************ FOR PICTURES CONTACT ME,I DONT KNOW HOW TO UPOLAD PICTURE TO THREAD KIK:NIkola824
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Protect Yourself With PlayerUp Middleman Services Buyers Guide Sellers Guide Click Here To Generate A Buy Now Link
now some changes: auto nb10(90%) Dephoi new monster full skill up: Theormas L&D nat 4: Dias(lvl 40) ++++++++++++++++ i sell this account cheap,so try to make a deal on kick sending pictures for all mobs,accept friend request ina game(to people see that im not a cheater) send runes in storagge kik: nikola824
and i again forgot something: with couple skill ups and rune +15 probbably safe r5(slow but safe) possibele r5 team: front: dias and xiong fei back:collen hwa annavel(need skill ups,i just finished theo skil ups) and lisa(3th skill full)