I'm selling my swtor pvp ranked account. PvP Rewards: - S1 Armors & Weapons + Mounts - S2 Baron Deathmark's Huttball Helmet - S3 Armors & Weapons & Crystals - S7 Crystals + Mounts + Flags - S8 Weapons & Crystals + Mounts + Flags - [ S9 Silver Tier (sorcerer) ] - Powertech lvl 70, valor 100, cxp 124 the Unyielding, the Infernal Deadly Contender, S-1 Rookie, S-1 Professionnal, Just a Little Furious, the Dauntless, the Infamous, Giradda's Kind of Scum, Hot, Sizzling, the Fiery Giradda's Acklay, Ember Makrin Conqueror armor set, Dread Guard's Corrupted Mask - Operative lvl 70, valor 100, cxp 118 the Furious S-1 Rookie, S-1 Professionnal, Just a Little Furious, the Fearless and Inventive, Hot, Sizzling +15% healing on nanotech set bonus - Assassin lvl 70, valor 100, cxp 300 Swashbuckler, Hot, Sizzling Campaign armor set, Cynosure armor ser, Dread Guard's Corrupted Mask - Scoundrel lvl 70, valor 97 the Unyielding, the Infermal, the Furious Deadly Contender, S-1 All-Star, the Dauntless, the Infamous Giradda's Rancor - Sniper lvl 70, valor 89, cyp 117 Hot - Sorcerer lvl 70, valor 88, cxp 179 S-1 All-Star, Fairly Furious, Hot, Sizzling Giradda's Rancor Recruit armor set, Tionese armor set, Cynosure armor set, Corruptor's Blade - Marauder lvl 70, valor 82, cxp 221 S-1 Professionnal, Hot, Sizzling, the Fiery Ember Makrin - Juggernaut lvl 70, valor 78, cxp 154 S-1 All-Star, Just a Little Furious, Hot, Sizzling Giradda's Rancor +1s on choke set bonus - Mercenary lvl 70, valor 75, cxp 126 the Fearless and Inventive, Hot, Sizzling - 79% PvP - Manhunter - Legacy 50 - All datacrons - All class buffs