Selling [WW] 11 MA + lots of 4 star weapons

Discussion in 'Tales of the Rays Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by unknownpk5, 10/11/17.

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  1. unknownpk5

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    ebay post:

    Tales of the Rays Account

    Server: WW.

    All Event characters/ and their promotional MAs are obtained.

    There are still gems to farm.
    Chapter 8 both normal/hard untouched
    chapter 7 8/15 0/15
    chapter 6 15/15 0/15
    chapter 5 16/16 1/16
    chapter 4 14/14 0/14
    chapter 3 17/17 1/17
    chapter 2 14/14 6/14

    MA: Repede x1
    Sophie x1
    Jude x2
    Mikleo x1
    Luke x1
    Milla x1
    Jade x1
    Meredy x2
    Farah x1

    Star 4 weapons (Event farm weapons are not listed / please see picture)

    Crystal rod - Healing Circle(Tear) /limit breaked 1x

    Serpent knukle - Farah x1
    Thunder Lance - x1 (Jade)
    Aqua Serpent x1 ( Mikleo)
    Earth Dragon Fang x3 (Sorey)
    Severing Wind x1 (Sorey)
    Healing Circle x1 (Elize)
    Death Knell -Max Limit Break (Milla) +1 more
    Phoenix Plunge x1 (Jude)
    Cyclone Shot x1 (Repede)
    Demon Dog Rush x1 (Repede)
    Final Gale x2 (Yuri)
    Soaring Flurry x1 (Ix)

    Some dailies are not touched too.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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