Selling  MR 22 MR 22 Warframe Account, 41.123 mod rating, 13 Primed mods, etc.

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by bartusgyorgy, 10/11/17.

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  1. bartusgyorgy

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    I want to sell my account, because i dont have time to play, and i need to pay my university learnings.

    100k+ endo
    4,7m credit
    43.123 mod rating
    13 Primed Mods:
    Primed Bane of Infested R0, Primed Continuity R10, Primed Cryo Rounds R10, Primed Flow R10, Primed Fury R10, Primed Morphic Transformer R0, Primed Pistol Gambit R10, Primed Point Blank R10, Primed Pressure Point R10 Primed Ravage R10, Primed Reach R10, Prime Regen R0, Primed Target Cracker R8
    Ash, Ash Prime,Atlas,Banshee,Chroma(1 forma), Ember Prime( 1 forma), Equinox( 3 forma), Excalibur(3 forma), Frost, Frost Prime, Hydroid, Inaros, Ivara, Limbo,Loki, Loki Prime Mag Prime Mesa (5 forma), Mirage (1 forma), Nekros, Nekros Prime Nezha Nidus, Nova, Nova Prime(1 forma), Nyx Nyx Prime, Oberon, Rhino, Rhino Prime, Saryn (1 forma), Saryn Prime, Titania, Trinity, Trinity Prime, Valkyr, Vauban, Vauban Prime, Volt, Volt Prime, Wukong, Zephyr.

    Primary weapons:
    Amprex(1 forma), Boar Prime(2 forma), Boltor Prime(4 forma), Braton Prime( 4 forma), Burston Prime ( 4 forma), Dex Sybaris (1 forma), Dread, Hek, Ignis (3 forma), Latron Prime ( 1 forma), Latron Wraith, Mutalist Cernos (1 forma), Ogris( 1 forma), Paris Prime, Prisma Grakata, Quanta Vandal, Rakta Cernos( 2 forma), Rubico ( 2 forma), Sancti Tigris (1 forma), Scourge,Secura Penta( 1 forma), Sobek( 3 forma), Soma Prime( 5 forma), Stradavar(2 forma), Synoid Simulor (2 forma), Telos Boltor, Tenora, Tigris Prime, Tonkor ( 5 forma), Torid ( 4 forma), Vaykor Hek( 1 forma), Vaykor Hek( 4 forma), Vectis Prime( 2 forma), Vulkar Wraith, Zarr ( 1 forma), Zhuge

    Secondary Weapons:
    Aklato,Akstiletto Prime, Dex Furis, Gammacor, Lex Prime ( 6 forma), Nukor, Pox, Rakta Ballistica, Spira Prime, Synoid Gammacor ( 4 forma), Twin Kohmak, Vaykor Marelok ( 4 forma), Zakti

    Melee Weapons:
    Atterax ( 3 forma), Broken Scepter, Broken War, Caustacyst, Dex Dakra, Dual Kamas Prime, Fragor Prime( 2 forma), Galatine Prime( 2 forma), Gazal Machete, Guandao, Heat Sword, Heliocor, Hirudo, Jat Kittag, Jat Kusar, Kesheg, Lacera, Lesion( 2 forma), Mios, Nikana Prime, Ohma, Okina, Orvius, Prisma Dual Cleavers, Prisma Obex, Prisma Skana, Rakta Dark Dagger, Sancti Magistar, Scindo Prime( 2 forma), Secura Lecta (2 forma), Serro, Sibear( 2 forma), Synoid Heliocor, Telos Boltace, Tipedo (1 forma), Vaykor Sydon, War (4 forma).

    Carrier Prime, Diriga, Djinn, Helios, Prisma Shade, Taxon
    Sentinel weapons:
    Artax, Deconstructor, Prime Laser Rifle, Prisma Burst Laser, Sweeper Prime, Vulklok.

    1210 hours played
    I have ALL Archwings, Archwing weapons.
    I'm about to sell it around 300-350 usd, but I also receive any offers.
    Thanks, Bye.
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