Selling 5500 Score points Primeval Prophecy Eu fresh start, bids starting at 75 euros

Discussion in 'Archeage Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by hee, 10/9/17.

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  1. hee

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    Selling a primeval with 5.5k EP and the following gear:


    -Divine T5 Obsidian Jerkin full gemmed with 480 resilience gems

    -Divine T5 Obsidian Cap

    -Divine reckless glory belt

    -Divine hardy warrior's guards

    -Epic Auroria Promise Fist full gemmed with 1.5% evasion gems

    -Epic T5 Obsidian Breeches

    -Divine T4 Obsidian boots

    -Divine Epherium Windsong Cloak


    Main weapon: Divine Ayanad Gale Bow full gemmed with 30 defense penetration gems

    Secondary weapons: Celestial Falcon's Shortspear and Desire's Claw with 4 285 focus gems each

    Instruments: Unique Aria of Archery. Celestial Croon of Shadowplay.


    -Divine Epherium Lightning necklace

    -Epic Assassin Earrings

    -Divine Assassin Earrings

    -2 Celestial Illustrious Gale Rings


    -Dragon Cultist Duster

    -Elite Shadow Daru Uniform


    -Improved Scarecrow farm design

    -2 Scarecrow Farm designs

    Other items:

    -284 Gilda Stars

    120 Merit Badges

    -30 Warrior's Medals

    -105 Acid Gobbets

    -136 Cursed Armor Scraps


    -Enhanced Sloth Glider Companion

    The character is ancestral level 5 and it's got 1 month of patron remaining as of today.

    I'll sell the account to the highest offer in a 2 weeks time frame, starting at a minimum bid of 75 Euros. If you want to buy the account immediately post a high offer and i'll reply.

    For any other info feel free to ask.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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