We are a trusted service that have zero bad feedback or comments. We have sold hundreds of Destiny and Division services! The account is not bought and sold or with unsure origins, we made it, we played it, it is 100% secure if you trust us. We take pride in our ability to bring quality accounts and services to you at a fair price. Information US PlayStation 4 account Level 30 with base 100% completed Stash is full with Variety of Well Rolled Guns and Armor/Gearsets with Few Mods 4 New 1.7 Kits Level 29 Gold Assaut Rifle and SMG for Stable Alpha Bridge 6 Piece Classified Striker (pic 1) Glass Cannon 5 Classified Deadeye/Reckless Double Sniper (pic 2) 6 Piece Classified Reclaimer (pic 3) Ninjabike Hybrid 2 Striker, 2 Tac, 3 Predator, Vigorous (pic 4) Plenty of High End Mats Over 500 Each 1500+ Gold Div Tech Over 90 Million Funds Almost Capped Pheonix Credits Capped GE Currency (10k) For Quick Buys on Next Global Event If you want to be taking on Global Events with this account contact us @: [email protected] Description: Full Secure Original Maker PSN Account Payment Methods: We only take Paypal Friends and Family for Accounts Price: Make an Offer