Selling Selling SMITE account with thana and thor skins tier 5 and so much things

Discussion in 'Smite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell - Cheap Safe' started by TheBirdD, 10/8/17.

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  1. TheBirdD

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    Agni: Volcanic, swagni, and infernal
    Ah Muzen Cap: dark whishperer and solid hornet
    Ah Puch: Galactic invader.
    Anhur: Olympian, and shadow
    Anubis: Afetlife , Stargazer and adjudicator.
    Ao Kuang: Dragon king and Dragon Knight.
    Aphrodite: Afro-Dite, beach babe.
    Apollo: TeamSolomid and Curse Voice
    Arachne:Toxic Caress and Black widow
    Ares: Diamond Sword.
    Artemis: Wrangler
    Athena: Red star, Liberté.
    Bakasura: Death Machine, Feaster bunny, Ravenous and Rage
    Basted: Covert Ops, Kawaii pop and Epsilon.
    Bellona: Torment, Furiona and SLP 2016.
    Cabrakan: Nerd rage
    Chaac: Slaughterhouse and Boom Chaac-A-Laka.
    Change: Bright Moon.
    Chronos: Super Chronos 64
    Cupid: Lil'devil
    Ferrir: Frostfang Metal Carnage and Lord Slashington III
    Freya: Frost Maiden,Pixel Buster and Valkyrie.
    Geb: G.E.B 1
    Guan Yu: MAster Guan ** and Grim Horseman
    Hades: Hades Classic and Soultaker
    He Bo: Infinite wave and He Bro.
    Hel: Sugar and Spice.
    Hercules: Lion of Olympus, Hunkules, Grand Slam, Derpules and Retrocles
    Hou Yi: Sunbreaker, Moon's Groom and Iron Crow
    Hun batz: Red Demon, Shaolin Monk-ey and Space monkey
    Isis: Shadow and Scarlet coven
    Janus: Gatekeeper, Jandroid and Ba5S drop
    Kali: Skaliwag, Trophy hunter and Crimson death
    Khepri: Steel scarab and Shadow.
    Kukulkan: Sacred dragon, Kuku and Void Wyrm
    Kumbhakarna: Pajama Party.
    Loki: Ssslither and Infiltrator
    Medusa: Idusa
    Mercury: Quicksilver Run,exe and Shaolin fury
    Ne Zha: Cyberpunk.
    Neith: Mischievous, MS.Diagnosis and Buccaneith
    Nemesis: Leona JPF, Blind Vengeance, AFK and Executioner.
    Nu Wa: Water Dancer and Nu Horizons
    Odin: Daimyodin and Mountain man
    Osiris: Frankenhotep
    Ra: Solar Sentinel, Alienware and Sunstar.
    Rama: Orbital Strike
    Ratatoskr: Flurry and Ragnatoskr
    Ravana: Tyrant, Rock From Bisrakh, King of the Ring.
    Scylla: Lil'Red, Tiny Terror, Cog Scylla and Daisy despair
    Serqet: Demonsoul, Dread queen, Madame Blade and Ebonsoul
    Sobek: High Seas and Kaiju.
    Sol: Epsolon
    Sun Wukong: Silver Save and Dark Lord
    Susano: Scarlet Storm.
    Sylvanus: Permafrost, DR.Vanus.
    Thanatos: Soul Harvester Reaper tech, Jack the reaper and Archon
    Thor: Righteous Hammer, Shadow, Heavy metal, Blood eagle, Wrath of Valhalla and Ragnarok force X
    Tyr: Dark Judgement, Privatyr and Shadow.
    Ullr: Strider, The Survivor and Berserker
    Vamana: Lil`mana and Cangaceiro
    Vulcan: Ironsmith, Sentry and Warforged
    Xbalanque: Jungler Beast, Shinobalanque, SPL 2015 (NA) and SPL 2015 (EU).
    Xing Tian: Indomitable.
    Ymir: Obsidian shard and Digi-mir 9000
    Zeus: Stormbringer and Almighty
    Zhong Kui: Demon Catcher

    Total skins: 207

    Limited skins: 16

    Exclusive skins: 44

    Voice Packs - 59
    Mastery -
    14 at X
    0 at IX
    4 at VIII
    3 at VII
    1 at VI
    3 at V
    3 at IV
    4 at III
    11 at II
    18 at I

    God pack included

    Icons and Wards

    Icons - 47
    Wards - 30


    Diamond 5 S3 conq
    Gold 3 S3 Jouts

    And loading Frames , Announcers packs, pedestal, global emotes, musis theme.

    Contact me through my skype, my twitter or my e-mail for more info:

    Skype: marcosjs6568

    Twitter: @Th3BirdD

    E-mail: [email protected]

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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