SBUJ YEEZY REPLICA SHOP CHEAPEST PRICES IN A US BASED RETAILER David's - Newest Drops Edith's - Newest drops PK's - newest batches Terms of Service 1. I have the right to refuse a deal at any time. 2. You are to abide by these Terms of Service upon using me for exchange. 2. I may ask for identification to match the details associated with the address the shoes will be sent to. 3. All deals are final -- no takebacks. 4. I will not go first under any circumstances. 5. I have a business PayPal, fully verified for the past couple of years. 6. Do NOT try to scam me or ask for a refund after receiving. I take pictures of all shipments! LOCATED IN THE WEST COAST - EMPLOYEES IN MID WEST AND NYC Current Stock: Yeezy V2 Zebra's - High Quality Rep ~110-140 *depending on shipping and size Skype I'll be conducting deals through my new Skype for marketplace use only. Add [email protected] (copy & paste) TIPS: 1LcFVMqJLobycodW6tGutc6XCZzHMxNCeX