Selling NA acc

Discussion in 'Warface Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by partixle, 10/7/17.

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  1. partixle

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    if intrested contact me.. [email protected]

    rifle: r16 icebreaker
    gold fy -103
    atlas ms radek

    medic: atlas anatolia
    engineer: gold ares-9
    exar l pdw
    atlas ap-84
    sniper: sea scout icebreaker
    twm x308
    gold twm
    atlas s60b3

    artic skin for all classes
    all vendor unlocked including legendary,rifle,engineer,sniper,medic
    vip still left for 87 days
    crowns 17***

    willing to sell it for 110$
    random box guns are all bought with is little bit high
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