Selling Selling NA Account [PC] - Prestige 103 - 1,431 Hours Played - 146,110 Argents

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Elliere, 10/6/17.

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  1. Elliere

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    $412.83 is my asking price. I CAN and WILL work with you with it, Please give me chance by reading all the listed details bellow and contact me at any time I would love to negotiate. This is a quality account it will serve you well.

    I am selling the whole account which means, you will get full access to the MyGame account as well as the email associated with it.

    I will only accept payment through PayPal and after receiving the money I will send the username/password for both the account and the e-mail.

    Platform: PC
    Server: North America
    Prestige: 10,980,650 - Rank 103
    Total playtime: 1,431 Hours Played
    Accounted started: 17/7/2015
    (My avatar is located in the Research Center with enough Argents to change the name from the NPC Quinta)

    Hello everyone,

    I'm here to sell my SkyForge account. The game is super fun and exciting to play and I poured a lot of love and time into creating my character, but alas I must part with it and help my family. My account boasts a lot of resources, credits, and tools for you to utilize however you wish! If you fall into these TWO categor you should buy this account right away!
    High level player: If you are looking for a second account will be specing into something specific this one is fit for you because I have done most of the grinding myself! All that really needs to be done is run Operation Ophelia for the higher weapon generations and you're set!
    Beginning player: If you are a new player (welcome firstly!) and this account is also right for you! With the high amount of stimulants and argents you will be able to progress in a way that is rewarding to you. With my high concentration of in-game currencies you will be able focus on the game-play firstly while getting used to this spectacular game. Instead of wishing you had that cool thing the game told you can't have because it is too late, now you can have that cool thing!

    Hope that convinced you! If not read below about what this account comes with!

    Argents - 146,110 (Worth $150.96)
    Credits - 44,439,757
    Victor Medals - 165,232
    Stimulants - 637
    Knowledge of Enemies - 535,573
    Divine Deeds - 1,790
    Stylist Services Coupon - 3
    Sparks of Transformation - 10,500
    Faith Talisman - 41
    Premium account for 3 days - 4

    _______________________Rare Gear____________________
    Signet of the Knight
    Ghal's Ring
    Mark of the Pioneer

    ______________________Character Cosmetics____________________
    Ardent Halo (God Nimbus)
    Patron Halo (God Nimbus)
    Halo of Vows (God Nimbus)
    Xenobiologist Costume
    Patriot Formal Armor
    Brigade Uniform
    Wings of Vows
    Focus Earrings
    Spectrum Earrings
    Orbis Earrings
    Pattley (Companion Costume)
    Glowing Eyes - Red, Blue, White, & Gold
    God Tattoos

    _____________________ Mounts____________________
    Forest Hornscute
    Snow Ghal (Christmas Event!)
    Moah Wanderer
    Universal Gravicycle
    Hero Gravicycle
    Beam Glider
    Fury Super Glider
    Trilia Flower

    _______________________Game Progression____________________
    Classes - All maxed except Gunner and Revenant
    Cathedral: 17,264 Followers
    Completed God Atlases - Hunt, War, Authority, Defense, & Travels

    Mechanoid Avatar - Completed
    Phytonide Avatar - Completed
    Gorgonide Avatar - Completed
    Reaper Avatar - Completed
    Current Pantheon - Golden Ember Alliance

    Please check out my album of pictures!

    If you have any question contact me at any point! I am excited to pass this account onto someone who can use it to its full potential.
    (Warning: I have all the proof I need to get this account perma banned. This is a quality account and I hope you get as much out of it as I do. Thank you)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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