Sold Selling Sayha's Seer 100/Aoe Cardinal 99

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by petyrradov, 10/4/17.

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  1. petyrradov

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    wts Sayha's Seer 100/Aoe Cardinal 99
    set-eternal 99 ,3+
    wep-Amarantine retributer 4+,acumen ,wind 300
    jwls-Blessed frey necklase,istina ring wizzard,orfen soul earing
    belt pvp 6% defence/talisman destruction /venrir lvl 7,acsesoary 3+ luck,aria bracelet wit 3+
    brooch lvl 3/ blue cat eye lv 2
    some staff in warehouse/inventory useful for sayha's for selling or i dunno
    and come with 15 k adena
    3 tato 15 + luck
    and here have 2 more char- iss sword mouse 85 and sigel hell knight 86
    prise is 150 euro acsept western union only
    you can find me only on icq 716959302, so if u are lazy to instal and register u can't find me :)
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