Selling League Acc WTS SUMMY 75 League 10 10 10 / 9 9 9 6 reborns warrior 75 / Scout 75 / psy 75 / druid 38 / Eng 4 / Paladin 4 / Mage 1 3 Allods private Pilgrim: any r1 Merchant: Goblin,Thunderstrike, water of death and water of life Mentor: 1,2,3 Jeweler: Fable Earring Conclave: 1,2,3 Wizard: Bugi Legendary Inventor: 1,2,3 Counselor: 1,2,3, 4 Carnifex: 1,2 Archivist: 1,2 Bag: Epic 2 Professions Magpie Helper Racial Abilities Lagrima Dragon Rare Mount : Spinner, Titan e etc... Price: 200$ method payment : paypal contact: [email protected]