Sold Selling Citadel lvl 20 1.7M power t3 unlocked

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy XV FFXV - A New Empire Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Eucalypt, 10/3/17.

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  1. Eucalypt

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    Citadel lvl 20 1.7M power. The package comes with 3 farm accounts (all farms are Citadel level 15+)

    All T3 Seige, Warrior & Cavalier had been unlocked. T3 Mage research is underway (have enough speedups to complete research if needed).

    Good stock of T1 T2 rss across the accounts.

    Four permanent boosts unlocked on main account

    Friendly and supportive guild. In the ruling guild on the realm.

    Will take U$250 for the lot.

    PM me if interested
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