Hi guys, I want to sell my Grand Fantasia account, as mentioned above it is an 80 Prophet that has the most work put into, and a 91 windshadow (needs gearing). I am willing to take payments via paypal and if anyone is interested I will provide contact details below as I am not sure on pricing and we can get in contact and discuss. Pretty sure if you still play Grand Fantasia you would know me as I have been around a very long time and would finally like to sell my account as I do not play anymore. :p The accounts owns quite a few costumes, consumables, mounts, gearing is good enough for pvping. However if you want to go to higher brackets above 80, it will need gearing as I only used this Prophet for 80 PVP. Below I will also include screenshots of my things. All gear is above +15 and probably all higher than +16 too. It owns the Alchemy 70 set, full purple set, cleric legacy for just moving around, owns 4 pieces of GVG set too. All fortified to a good standard of over +16. Backpack: https://gyazo.com/0e8bdd00c2e7b2db1ea9e591aace3610 I own quite a lot of costumes in my archive, if you are interested, contact me I will show further the things I have. Sorry I'm quite lazy to screenshot EVERYTHING. Where you can contact me: Skype: sammichh1 Discord: dragon enthusiast #6244 Facebook.: Mewa Sol Literally, if you are interested, give me a message and we can speak further on what I own, pricing (if you want to buy) and whatever else. I can speak via voice or text. I don't bite c: Thank you~