Sold Selling Revanchist, 7 level 70s

Discussion in 'Star Wars The Old Republic SWTOR Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Rushke, 10/2/17.

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  1. Rushke

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    The account is pretty barebones, has 7 level 70s, one of which has the revanchist title from pve. Gear is minimal across all characters as well as command ranks. Not asking for much as it is a pretty barebones account. Mercenary and Juggernaut have bronze tier rewards from season 8 as well as a few tokens.

    Tulak Hord armor set unlocked in collections
    Dramatic Extrovert unlocked in collections
    Primevil Stalker armor set unlocked in collections
    Resolute Guardian armor set unlocked in collections
    Overlords Command Throne unlocked in collections
    Irradiated Varactyl unlocked in collections
    Has several other rare armor sets/weapons/mounts that are not globally unlocked in collections across the account but can be for some cartel coins.
    Currently has 1,385 cartel coins on the account and is subbed
    Has season 5(predacious) weapons in legacy stronghold storage, crystal of nightmare fury also in storage
    Character list:
    70 juggernaut, has season 7 giraddas acklay
    70 mercenary(revanchist)
    70 operative
    70 assassin
    70 sorceror
    70 marauder
    70 sniper
    has some assorted 65s across the account, mostly republic characters.
    Characters on harbinger server

    For screenshots or to submit an offer, send me a private message.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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