Sold Selling Selling DFO account Luke ready/Anton sell possible Ranger)

Discussion in 'Dungeon Fighter Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by jude1205, 10/2/17.

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  1. jude1205

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    Dark gothic all parts *except for pants* +11 amp'd, pants= +7 amp'd
    +14 Lord of rangers( after the reinforcement patch this weapon is going to be a legendary one)
    +4 Gold lux
    +10amp'd accessories(all) 3/3 5sense
    3/3 Pars, Bab, Rose
    etc( look of the image)
    Most Op pets owned
    I mean this ranger literally owns most of the equips, pets or things that are not obtainable anymore.(such as +15 Strength *Yellow emblem)
    Halloween pets, Christmas pets, belt or shoulder unique enchant or items etc
    All you need is the full black formal set and this ranger is the #1 I bet
    also owns legendary insignia

    Black formal pants and belts are in the Nemesis character if you wanna transfer it
    -55 epic souls owned
    and most of the female characters own most of the avatars(legit they own most of them, literally every single female character owns tons of avatars) ( not rare )
    cuz I love spending money on the outfit
    Also few of them has a rare IGN.
    Please contact me through discord if you are interested in buying, I may cost it $450 bucks but # if I like you. lol
    yet there is a limit of 5 img per thread, I cant shows u all characters and stuff, so if you have any questions please comment me through discord.
    Discord tag, = #7092
    or Email me - [email protected] (fastest way that I check)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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