Selling Selling MR 13 ( Many Primed Frames, Mods, Primed Accessories )

Discussion in 'Warframe Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Koshitso, 9/30/17.

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  1. Koshitso

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    Hello playerup Warframers.

    My Name is Koshitso and I want to sell my loved Warframe Account.

    This Warframe Account was the first one I created. And I created this Account early 2014.

    This Account is first hand, which means I'm the original Owner and own everything on this Account. I can provide you with everything you need. The first Purchase of Plat etc etc.

    Lets come to the interesting part of this Thread. The Account itself of course!

    I have made many pictures where you can see all the stuff or lets say most of the stuff that I own. I did not screenshottet my Inventory and every single mod. If stuff is missing, tell me what you need to know and I will provide you with the Screenshots.

    Here is the Imgur Album - >

    You can contact me on Discord - >
    Please offer me in Thread or through Discord, thanks!

    PS: Only serious offers. Don't come with 10€ or 20€, this Account is worth alot more.

    Edit #1: Plat got Sold.
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