Sold Selling WTS Unique Rootless Male - Golden Dynasty

Discussion in 'Age of Wushu Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by ShaShaShaShia, 9/30/17.

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  1. ShaShaShaShia

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    - Rootless inner lvl 59
    - sunflower lvl 30
    - ice heart code lvl 57
    - against worldly evil lvl 36
    - many school 1st, 2nd, and 3rd inners
    - Tang man 2nd inner lvl 36

    Weapon Manuals:
    - barehand 194
    - sword 454
    - twin sword 194
    - twin spikes 454
    - hidden weapon 194

    - Taichi bubble + rage lvl 3
    - Demon Heart lvl 10
    - Heart Buddha lvl 10
    - Snow sword lvl 6
    - rootless set lvl 10
    - prodigy sword lvl 8
    - curled branch lvl 10
    - 9palace lvl 6-9
    - perish blade lvl 4-5
    - phantom twin dagger lvl 10
    - heaven net dance lvl 1 (unlocked to 10)
    - eight lotus breaking lvl 10
    - martial saint staff lvl 1 (unlocked to 10)
    - tang 4th set lvl 4
    - linglong dice lvl 6-7
    - horse + moon + turn weapon lvl 4

    qi gathering 72/72
    emei 144/144
    wanderers valley 180/180
    wudang 180/180
    beggars 180/180
    scholars 180/180
    royal guard 180/180
    tangman 180/180
    shaolin 180/180

    Other Notes
    - Tangman, disguised to royal guard
    - Full c6 Jade gear
    - Jade sword, twin swords, and spikes
    - pet bird
    - lvl 9 blacksmith

    feel free to pm me for any additional info
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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