I'm selling my German army Heroes and Generals account. I've invest about 900 hours of gameplay so everything in German army is unlocked and almost everything is owned. Infantry - Rank 16 , 30 000 experience to rank 17 and counting , all weapons are owned and fully modded(including Mp-40, STG, MG42, MG-34, G-43 K-98 Kurz), excluding some pistols, grenades, knives and shovels. All important for Infantry badges are GOLD lvl. Uniforms - Green Pea, Splittermuster Summer + Basic(Field grey 41). Vehicles - owned everything excluding Kettencard HK 101 and Blitz Truck which are only unlocked, but You could buy them if You want. Recon - Rank 16, K-98 Kurz with a scope (sniper rifle) fully modded, other weapons are unlocked excluding 2 pistols, all shovels and knifes. All important badges are GOLD lvl including camouflaged badge. Uniforms - Green Pea + Basic. Vehicles - owned everything excluding Kettencard HK 101 Tank - Rank 15, all tanks unlocked. Owned and fully modded - Panzer 6 Tiger, Panther, Panzer 3, Panzer 38(t), Hetzer, owned but not modded - Stug 3, the other 4 tanks are unlocked,but not owned. Important badges for tank - GOLD Paratrooper - Rank 14, FG-42 and MP-40 fully modded, free-fall badge + SILVER heavy set badge Pilot - Rank 11, all planes owned and unlocked, Full modded Me-109, basic - other 2 planes. Owned SQUADS - Infantry -(1 AT+1 Motorized+1 Infantry ), Recon - (2 Mechanized+2 Motorized), Tank - (1 Heavy armor+1 Medium TD), Para - (1 Paratrooper squad), Pilot - (1 Fighter squadron( can't be deployed)). About profile - at the moment 1288 GOLD + War bond (3000 ), that expires at September 2017, so it' about 4300 GOLD, about 320 000 Credits and 280 000 Warfunds
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