Sold Selling Evi 103 / yul 100 Chronos

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by betzebub102, 9/29/17.

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  1. betzebub102

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    Selling Evi lvl 103 / Yul lvl100 ghost sentinel

    evis skills : lateral, gravity tower, left sidestep are 10+

    items : bracelet of the conquerer hp +531, str 3+, 5 slots

    brooch : 3 slot, ruby 3, diamond 3, opal 3

    dyes : 2x str 3+ luc 1+
    1x str 4+ luc 1+

    cloak: elmore cloak pve 2+

    exalted: full exalted need 10k quest, giant faction 6 and blackbird 6, need also fish stew and r gems for quest done, need lvl 104 for done

    talismans : Giants tracker ( GC) lvl 8 , Blackbird talis lvl 6, Atelia talis lvl 2

    factions : blackbird clan lvl 5 , giant tracker lvl 4, mother tree lvl 2, hunter guild lvl 2, kindom royal lvl 2, fishing lvl 2

    etc : xp rune 200% 30 day !!!! 15x vitality pots 1h, drop rune 200% 30 day

    Price is 170 euro only Paypal gift or adena ingame or nc coins. got some positive reputations.

    for more pm me.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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