Selling Selling [GL] Selling Cheap Day 1 account

Discussion in 'Final Fantasy Record Keeper Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by FFFanatic, 9/29/17.

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  1. FFFanatic

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    Hey guys, I totally forgot about this game. Legit day one account but hasn't been played in months and I'm getting rid of a lot of my mobile accounts just don't put the time in anymore. Here's what its got, probably a good head start for anyone looking to pick up the game.



    Abilities, rank:

    It's got 182 Mithril, loads of other equipment with shared SB as well!
    A ton of:
    • record materias
    • orbs
    • motes
    • growth eggs
    • scarletite
    • adamantite
    • gil!

    12.081 Gysahl, 19 Soul of a Hero, 19 Memory crystal I, 7 Memory crystal II, 1 Memory crystal III
    Nightmare dungeons completes:
    1. Ultima,
    2. Crushdown,
    3. Reraise,
    4. NeoBahamut,
    5. Quadruple Foul,

    PM your offer or for more details!
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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