Selling EU PC Skyforge account 134 Prestiege, 320+k might 400$

Discussion in 'Skyforge Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Dannina, 9/28/17.

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  1. Dannina

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    Time for me to switch to another mmo :)

    I will list all the details of the account below, but I have to mention that on top of this, I have recently changed the e-mail to said account, which means you will get full access to that as well as the account itself.

    I will only accept payment through PayPal and after receiving the money I will send the username/password for both the account and the e-mail.

    Feel free to contact me either here or on [email protected] (this is not associated with my skyforge accounts in any way)

    Details are as follows:

    134 Prestiege Rank
    324 451 Might
    1717 Argents
    16 453 973 Credits
    72 Days of Premium in Inventory
    108 Inventory Slots
    103 Stimulus
    16 620 Victor's Medals
    10 000 Sparks of Transformation
    An Avatar trophy

    Junior God is fully finished
    Lots of Faith Already Collected
    Account is Premium Rank 3
    38 961 Followers
    Bastions Nearly Fully Upgraded
    Power of Ambition Packs Owned
    Most Gear is Gen8
    Witch Was the Main

    Classes FULLY Upgraded (2nd ult upgrade)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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