Selling Selling Artifacts and materials cheap prices XBOX ONE

Discussion in 'Marvel Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by WolfyLeader, 9/27/17.

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  1. WolfyLeader

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    |ARTIFACTS|$1 Energy Infused Pistols|$0.50 Shield Motion Analyzer|$1.25 Superior Spider Mask x2 $0.75 for one|$1.25 Task Masters Fighting Guide For Losers x2 $0.75 for one|$0.25 Yukio's Lucky Charm| |MATERIALS|Biolocical Sample x4 each $0.11|Bulletproof Ceramics x5 each $0.15|Cloth x9 each $0.05|Cosmic Fragment x10 each $0.30|Credit Case x2 each $0.50|Engineering Schematics Data each $0.75|High Tech Fabric x5 each $0.75|Magnetic Materials x6 each $0.20|Meteorite Dust x4 each $0.25|Omega Essence x2 $1.50 or 1 for $0.65|Scap Metal x5 each $0.10|Spare Parts x5 each $0.15|Supplier Contract Information x5 $2.50 or each $0.50 each|Technical Readouts x4 $2 or $0.25 each|
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