Selling ✯ Mikes Destiny 2 Shop of Recovery Services (PS4)

Discussion in 'Destiny Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell Powerleveling | Cheap & Safe' started by MikeTheMatador, 9/26/17.

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  1. MikeTheMatador

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    Hello Buyer before anything please know that you are buying a service, a digital item or service in game.
    With that out of the way i'm offering account recovery services and Custom accounts.
    Prices are in USD if you wish to purchase these please get in contact with me(Contact Info at the Bottom) and we'll organize payment and times you would like your Service Completed(Will not Start any work Till Payment is cleared) Most Services have a Time Frame set on them that says how long it will take to complete them but most Services will be completed way sooner than Expected.

    Character Leveling:

    Level 1-20 *Without Storyline Completed(1-2 Days) - $49.99

    Level 1-20 In Addition all Three Subclasses for a Character *Without Storyline Completed(1-2 days) - $59.99

    *Without Storyline Completed Means you won't have Access to the Tower and End-Game content...

    Level 1-20 *With the Storyline Completed(1-2 days) - $69.99

    Level 1-20
    In Addition all Three Subclasses for a Character *With the Storyline Completed(1-2 days) - $79.99

    *With Storyline Completed Means you have Access to the Tower and End-Game content...

    Power Level Boosting:

    200-220 Power (1 Day)- $20

    220-240 Power (1 Day) - $30

    240-260 Power (1 Day) - $40

    200-260 Power (1 Day) - $100

    Farming world tokens:[/B]

    EDZ ,Io ,Titan ,or Nessus Tokens Farming.

    *[U][B]Must Have Planet Unlocked for the Tokens you are Planning to Purchase or we can unlock the planet for you for Additional Charge.[/B][#][/SIZE][B][B]
    20 World Tokens - (1 Day) - $15[/SIZE]
    40 World Tokens - (1 Day) - $25[/SIZE]
    60 World Tokens - (1 Day) - $40[/SIZE]
    80 World Tokens - (1-2 Days) - $50[/SIZE]
    100 World Tokens - (1-2 Days) - $60[/SIZE]
    *[U]When Purchasing World Tokens you must Specify the Planet you'd like the Tokens from ; EDZ, TITAN, IO, or NESSUS.[#][/SIZE]
    Public Event Farming:[/B][#][/SIZE][B][B]

    [SIZE=3]You have the Chance to get Legendary and/or Exotic Engrams as well as an Abundance of XP for Bright Engrams and World Tokens[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=3]5 Public Events (1 day) - $15[/SIZE]
    10 Public Events (1 day) - $25[/SIZE]
    20 Public Events (1 day) - $35[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=3]30 Public Events (1-2 days) - $45[/SIZE]

    Region Chests:[/B][#][/SIZE][B][B]
    This Service is per planet or all Four Planets together, Opening these Grants you Shaders Glimmer World Tokens and other Goodies.[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=3]EDZ All Region Chests (1 day) - $20[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=3]TITAN All Region Chests (1 day) - $20[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=3]IO All Region Chests (1 day) - $20[/SIZE]
    NESSUS all region chests (1 day) - $20[/SIZE]
    All Planets Region Chests (1-2 days) - $50

    [SIZE=5][B][U]Miscellaneous Activities:[#][/B][/SIZE][/SIZE][B][B][B]
    Nightfall Normal (1Dday) -$15 [/SIZE]
    Rat King Exotic Quest - $29.99[/SIZE]
    Mida Multi-Tool Exotic Quest - $29.99

    Sturm Exotic Quest - $49.99 *If you have a saved Exotic Engram Price will be #

    Ask About Trails of the Nine Recovery service Availability [/SIZE]

    [SIZE=5]If you have any Questions or would like a Custom Order Get In Contact with me to work Something Out.[/SIZE]

    Discounts Available Off your Next Purchase for Leaving Great Looking Feedback ;) and For Purchasing Multiple Services.

    1. Leveling is done by hand

    2. If leveling is not done using an # or some abuse of the normal game system.
    The person that is leveling your account is located in (United States of America)

    4. Due to us not using # or abuse of normal game system your account will never be banned, but if by miracle it happens, we will compensate you with a destiny account of equal or higher value.

    Shoot me a Email for any Questions [email protected] (Paypal F&F Only)
    Verified over 2.5 years Here on playerup With Zero Problems
    so i will not be going first under any Circumstances

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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