Selling Selling Seeking Work with Boosting Service [PS4]

Discussion in 'Destiny Boosting for Sale - Buy & Sell Powerleveling | Cheap & Safe' started by Cipherx, 9/25/17.

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  1. Cipherx

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    Heya all,

    I am seeking Boosting work with a respected company, I am Australian based but have been working for a US based booster for a couple of weeks now, my location offers great service with being able to play when most US based players are offline, allowing an overnight turn around on orders. I have already maxed out 3 characters at 305 and now just offering my services. I have the following experience so far with Destiny 2 and seeking work in these areas...

    • 15+ Leviathan Raids Completed (Originally Finished Day 1 of Raid Release)
    • 4 7-0 Flawless Trial Runs
    • 8 1-20 Character Hand Levels (+ Campaign Completion)
    • 15 Prestigious Nightfalls Completed
    • 3 All Region Chests Completed (All Planets)
    • 3 All Adventure Missions Completed (All Planets)
    • Platinum Destiny 2 Trophy

    I currently spend at minimum 55 hours a week on Destiny and happy to offer my services to a US based company. I pretty much just do recoveries. If you have any further questions feel free to ask me
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