Sold Selling RUSH SALE good 56 LVL 55$ only

Discussion in 'Seven Knights Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ryokoaida, 9/23/17.

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  1. Ryokoaida

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    VERY CHEAP - 55$ ONLY! Selling my lvl 56 account - will keep it up to date until sold :rolleyes:
    In game name: xInsomniax

    All legendary costumes
    All formations lvl 40
    Great guild with daily rewards
    Topaz 450+

    Special Heroes (Awakened):

    Klahan lvl 46+10 (max limit break)
    Dellons 46+10
    Kyrielle 46+9 (+2 in stock)
    Miho 40+9
    Elysia 46+5 (+1 in stock)
    Ryan 40+5
    Roro 32+5
    Karl Heron 32+5

    Other Special Heroes:

    Ace 46+5
    Wukong 46+5 (+1 in stock)
    Rin 46+5 (+1 in stock)
    Lu Bu 30+5 (+2 in stock)

    Karma 42+5
    Yeonhee 42+5
    Kyle 40+5
    Teo 36+5

    Spike 38+5
    Rachel 38+5
    Eileene 36+5
    Kris 34+5
    Jave 32+5
    Rudy 32+5

    Normal Heroes (Awakened):

    Evan 46+10
    Karin 46+10
    Jupy 46+10
    Yuri 46+10
    Shane 46+10
    Sieg 46+10
    Ballista 46+10
    Hellenia 46+5
    Espada 46+5
    Velika 46+5
    Snipper 46+5
    Ariel 46+5
    Feng Yan 46+5
    Knox 42+5
    Chancellor 40+5

    And many more heroes - please check in game!

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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