hello all .. iam leaving the game so i want to sell my gears on sever fire/ water : *2x epic +12 Ninja 250 $ ea *armor ninja +12 p3 250 $ *2x hood ninja +12 220 $ ea *steed +12 forestbite 220 $ *Ring +12 p6 300 $ *Boots +12 p3 300$ *tower +12 250 $ *fan +12 250 $ *crop +12 1 moon 260$ *2x +8 necklace 100$ ea *boots +8 100$ *Ring +7 70 $ *back sword +12 p7 180 $ More and more ... i have some garments too like ... police uniform .. well i can make an # for the one who is taking all this or at least many pieces .... the buyer might pay for each piece every time .. so no place for scammers or to be scammed ..... iam dealing with western union Only .. my number is +201154562428 my Facebook. : https://www.Facebook..com/kareem.sa.39 Don't hesitate to speak with me .. thanks for your interest