Sold Selling $500 obo 23.5ktt lvl 96 base t13s unlocked, lvl 195 co 400 vip 16.3bt kills

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by funnyguy1612, 9/23/17.

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  1. funnyguy1612

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    Line ID: funnyguy1612 - picture of arnold

    379:457:693 Base Location

    Research needed:

    Battlemarks Mastery last 3 needed to be completed - 2 are at 5 1 is at 4
    Prime Combat - all T13 troops and traps unlocked the last section is at 1
    Have not done any of the new T14 Stuff
    Divine Gear Level 5860
    Warlord Level 20
    Traps: 775B T12s
    Just Under 1.4KT t13s
    45T t12s
    2.5Kt t11s
    3.5T t10s
    1.15T t9s
    3.99T t8s
    40M t7s
    162T t6s
    2.6TT t5s
    194TT t4s
    683TT t3s
    Aux buildings are at 82, core buildings are at 95 HQ is at 96. There is a free lvl 90 core upgrade item if you want to change the base configuration
    158KTT Stone
    263BT Glass
    329MT Marble
    154KTT Oil
    104BT Barrels
    329MT Kerosene
    191KTT Iron
    263BT Statues
    329MT Titanium
    1.76KTT Food
    304BT Crates
    146MT Wheat

    260M 10B Day Speedups
    596 10k day Supreme Speedups
    3.03M 1000 day Supreme Speedups

    Base is on 30 Day shield and I will not participate in any rallies or use resources while the base is on sale. I am also still logging on and completing the challenges for the free rss daily.

    I have the immediate delivery option selected so as soon as you pay will give you the login info. I made a gmail account for the transfer - that password is the same as the password for the base so you can take that email as well if you would like. I can provide screen shots upon request. I am an accountant, so I will send a Square invoice with the details of the sale so if you have a problem you can dispute it. You will also have my business address and office number.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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