Selling Selling [ Fortnite ] Two Digital Standard accounts for sale! 20 USD Each.

Discussion in 'Fortnite Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by Mysza, 9/22/17.

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  1. Mysza

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    Like the title states, I'm selling two standard accounts. The codes came from the Founder's Upgrade bundle and I don't have a need for the extra codes. Before anyone asks, if you low ball the price, I'll ignore you. If you offer something for trade and I don't give two poops about it, I'll ignore that too.

    Price per Account is normally 39.99 USD each, but I'm willing to sell them at 19.99 USD each OR 35 USD if you purchase both. If you have a trade that you want to do, the value must be equal otherwise I won't be interested.

    Contact Info:

    If you wish to contact me, please do so over responses to this thread . I don't respond to PMs, unless I contact you to confirm transaction details and I only share my Skype with Trusted Members.
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