Sold Selling Ms base lvl 100-10.8ktt. Comm-200 vip 425 warlord 20. Scorpion set gear - sale

Discussion in 'Mobile Strike Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by PIN ROOKIE, 9/21/17.

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    All Core buildings lvl 100
    Comm lvl 200, VIP 425, Warlord 20. Scorpion Set Gear.
    Plenty of RSS left - power 10.8KTT
    Trained from T4 and up. ( T4 - 22TT each.....T9 300KT each....T13 100T each)
    T13 troops and all research done. T14- not unlocked
    Comm skill tree - should be adjusted depending on where you want to take this base.
    PM with offer.
    Sale available until - 24.09....after I buy another pack and continue maxing out:))
    Was maxed out until 20.09.2017
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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