Sold Selling 301 JP ACC - C2P w/20k jewels

Discussion in 'Kingdom Rift Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by exponentialpotential, 9/20/17.

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  1. exponentialpotential

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    High Risk Status: This user has been flagged as high risk due to one or more reasons

    0   0   0

    Inventory slots: 600

    Premiums: 62, including VIP medals

    Notable medals: Ava EX, Aced EX, Toon Aqua, Neku EX, Illustrated Aqua 2 EX, 0.2 Kairi, Sora EX, Key Arts ABC, Axel EX, Cloud Ex, Namine HD (x2), Illustrated KH2 Kairi (x2), many more

    Notable support medals: 2 Lottery Moogles, 9 Magic Brooms, 3 Mickey & Brooms, tons of ducks, fairies, and Dalmations. 240mil munny.

    Keyblades: Starlight +20, Treasure Trove/Lady Luck/Three Wishes +28, Olympia +13, Divine Rose +30, Moogle O' Glory +30, Sleeping Lion +17, Counterpoint +21, Stroke of Midnight +11, Fairy Stars (unlevelled)

    : MSQ completed up to [x], PSQ completed up to [x].

    Avatar boards: Some still needed to be unlocked, but cost boards all bought. Premium avatar boards that were bought are all female. (Sorry if you want to play a guy avatar.)

    Still a lot of jewels ready to be farmed up from both story and PSQ, and Hades Cup too!

    Asking for $120 for this account, or highest bid. Will provide screenshots or video if asked.

    Email me at sariegospace[at]gmail[dot]com if you're interested.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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