Sold Selling Aroe healer 101 / Feoh archmage 100 + items.

Discussion in 'Lineage 2 Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Traging, 9/20/17.

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  1. Traging

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    WTS main Healer 101 dual feoh 100

    WTS items with account:
    +8 robe bloody set:
    +12 bloody caster 2 SA
    Antharas earing (bessed)
    Blessed valakas necklace
    Zaken ring blessed
    Blessed queen ant
    ring of creation
    abundance lvl 1
    14 venir
    lvl 3 jewels 4 of them.
    lvl 3 saphire
    lvl 3 blue cats eye
    lvl 3 aquamarine
    lvl 3 opal
    4 slot brouch
    ekimus belt +7
    Istina shirt +6
    hair accesories int+ m atack also Con + Pdef
    +8 eternal sigil
    random garbage in the bank
    Fancy fishing rod
    Feoh Giant INT lvl 5 all 3 of them
    Healer Luck + int lvl 5, Men + Cha lvl 5, Con + Cha lvl 4

    Only accepting bank transfers and all together at once.
    No scammers and you will have to go first
    Please PM me on skype if interested: renatas5555
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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