Sold [TASK] Subscribe to my Twitch - Ill give you a random steam game (or ps4/x1 code ) and $2.50 PP

Discussion in 'Twitch Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/khaljiit, 9/19/17.

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  1. /u/khaljiit

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    Checked in with Twitch to make sure this was okay, and it is.

    Basically, Twitch has 1/2 off new subs this month so I am paying people to sub to my channel

    Please make sure you are following all of the rules of this subreddit also :)

    Task and this is open to unlimited people or even people to do this multiple times with different accounts

    Sub to my Twitch channel with Amazon Prime (which is free) and I will give you a random game and $2.50 paypal How to do prime on twitch

    This second part is on hiatus for now, might open it up later, but the Prime one is still open, also im going to sleep soon, just comment & dm me if you do it with all the info

    Sub to my twitch channel on the tier 3 (which costs 12.50) and I will give you a random game (ill make it a bit better) and $15.00 paypal Direct Link

    For either offer, you will need a Twitch Account and my profile on twitch is

    If you are already familiar with twitch and an active user on it, you will of course get the emote benefits


    After you sub, please send me a reddit message me the following

    1) Your twitch name

    2) Your paypal email or URL

    3) Steam, PS4, or xbox one preference (or N/A if you dont want a game)

    4) A link to this post

    I will send you the money and steam key



    # #/khaljiit
    . .
    #1 /u/khaljiit, 9/19/17
    Last edited by a moderator: 10/23/18
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