Sold 3 accounts in the same server, lvl 82, Rank 1 in arenas, 50 G.Kenobi, zetas omegas ready

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by QLC, 8/28/17.

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  1. QLC

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    Bastila – 80 dollars
    BastilaWDT's Profile on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes · SWGOH.GG

    R2D2 – 80 dollars
    R2D2WDT's Profile on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes · SWGOH.GG

    Darth K – 75 dollars
    DarthKK's Profile on Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes · SWGOH.GG

    I’m selling 3 accounts (together o separately), level 81, with 78/145 (50%) General Kenobi shards each, with a very good base to start the game, saving the most boring part of the beginning of the game, the farming and to gear characters.

    Vendo 3 cuentas (juntas o por separado), de nivel 81, con 78/145 (50%) fragmentos de General Kenobi cada, y con muy buena base para empezar el juego, ahorrándose la parte más aburrida del principio del juego, la de cultivar y equipar personajes.


    With these accounts you can be rank 1 in the arena if you have enough time to play. Usually I only play 2-3 battles per day because I not have enough time to play 10 battles per account, but if you can play 6-8 battles per day is easy get the rank 1 in the arena.

    Con estas cuentas puedes ser rango 1 en la arena si tienes suficiente tiempo para jugar. Habitualmente sólo juego 2-3 batallas por día porque no tengo suficiente tiempo para jugar 10 batallas por cuenta, pero si puedes jugar 6-8 batallas al día es fácil conseguir el rango 1 en la arena.

    Are iOS accouns, but it can be transferred to Android if you want, the process delays 2 or 3 days.

    Son cuentas de iOS, pero se puede traspasar a Android si se desea, el proceso demora 2 o 3 días.


    With these accounts you also can be rank 1 in the fleet arena and be in the top 10 all the day.

    Con estas cuentas también se puede ser rango 1 en la arena de naves y ser top 10 todo el día.

    All these accounts are in the same server, with the Mindtwists player that I already sold one of the accounts. Bastila and R2D2 are in the same fleet server, like Darth K and Mindtwists, while my main account is alone.

    Todas las cuentas están el mismo servidor, junto al jugador Mindtwists al que ya le vendí una de las cuentas. Bastila y R2D2 están en el mismo servidor de naves también, al igual que Darth K y Mindtwists, mientras que mi cuenta principal está sola.



    These accounts are currently part of an heroic guild (Mass Effect N7 SW) that some days ago got rank 1 in the guilds leaderboard. The best is continue in the same guild, because usually the guilds playing heroic AAT not accept middle level accounts, but I helped them to organize it, so I got join and in less than 1 month General Kenobi will be unlocked. Is an italian/english guild, based con CET time, the raids usually are at 21h or 22h CET, with sometimes at 16h CET, but there is 0 damage rule during 24 hours, while in the HAAT you have all the afternoon and night to play and there is phase 4 rule, is attacked at 21 CET of the second day.

    Estas cuentas actualmente son parte de una alianza heroica (Mass Effect N7 SW) que hace unos días obtuvo el rango 1 en la clasificación de alianzas. Lo ideal es continuar en la misma alianza, ya que normalmente las alianzas jugando AAT heroico no aceptan cuentas de mediano nivel, pero yo ayudé a esta alianza a organizarlo, con lo cual pude entrar y en menos de 1 mes el General Kenobi ya estará desbloqueado. Es una alianza de habla italiana e inglesa, los asaltos suelen ser a las 21h o 22h CET, con algunas veces a las 16h CET, pero hay norma de 0 daño durante 24 horas, mientras que en el HAAT se tiene toda la tarde y noche para jugar y hay norma en la fase 4, es atacada a las 21 CET del segundo día.

    Continue in the second post... / Continúa en el segundo mensaje...
  2. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    DBBE6F5B-9CFF-44EC-BE8F-4BC63ED0C4A8.jpeg 0D0AFB0B-4426-4E7A-91C5-E0CE19F6BE2C.jpeg 0494DC59-5FB4-4562-B7E0-9DD889ECD80E.jpeg 1415694F-19FD-4CA0-90A8-5174DF45F070.jpeg 8DCA8162-C76A-4194-B257-F2EFCF647E1F.jpeg F03B3B23-EE97-40B9-8680-C1173C7A29E3.jpeg 4A277521-EC42-4AE5-BF12-43144BBBAC5C.jpeg ABB0A5EB-E582-4C0D-8606-C0113FD6895E.jpeg F2FC842D-80E7-4300-8F73-33F640725C5E.jpeg D283EFD4-950A-41D7-907C-006DC2123563.jpeg

    These accounts have between 16 and 22 zetas and between 6 and 12 omegas ready to apply the first zeta at lvl 82, I recommend apply it to R2D2.

    Estas cuentas tienen entre 16 y 22 zetas y entre 6 y 12 omegas listas para aplicar la primera zeta en el nivel 82, yo recomiendo aplicarla a R2D2.

    A level 85 account with General Kenobi unlocked, around 60 characters at 7 stars, with 15 at gear 11 would cost between 300 and 400 dollars, usually is an average of 1 dollar per game day, for example I sold another account like this by 300 dollars, because of it I’m verified user.

    Una cuenta de nivel 85 con General Kenobi desbloqueado, unos 60 personajes a 7 estrellas con unos 15 en equipo 11 costaría unos 300 o 400 dólares, habitualmente se suele pagar 1 dólar por día de juego en promedio, por ejemplo yo vendí otra cuenta así por 300 dólares, por eso soy usuario verificado.

    These accounts are perfect to start the game, because you save the boring part of the beginning, but still there is a lot of things to do, instead of when you buy a level 85 account with 80 characters at 7 stars, 20 characters at gear 11 and some zetas already applied, with the rebel, empire, Sith, resistance and clone teams already completed, then the game becomes boring because there is not nothing more to do, so start with level 81 accounts is the funniest way to start.

    Estas cuentas son ideales para empezar el juego, porque se ahorra la parte aburrida del principio, pero todavía hay muchas cosas que hacer, en cambio cuando se compra una cuenta de nivel 85 con 80 personajes a 7 estrellas, 20 personas a equipo 11 y varias zetas ya aplicadas, con los equipos rebeldes, del imperio, Sith, de la resistencia y clones ya completos, entonces el juego se vuelve aburrido porque no hay nada que hacer, así que empezar con cuentas de nivel 81 es el modo más divertido de empezar.

    For people with enough time, I recommend buy the Bastila and R2D2 accounts together, by 80 dollars each, by this way you can organize combined attacks in the arena and you can farm different teams, for example in the arena play with rebels and Sith, in the raids farm the resistance in one account and clones in the other account, in the fleet arena use Tarkin in one account and Ackbar or Windu in the other account, the game becomes funnier if is possible use different teams in every part of the game.

    Para gente con suficiente tiempo, yo recomiendo comprar las cuentas de Bastila y R2D2 juntas, por 80 dólares cada una, de ese modo se puede organizar ataques conjuntos en las arenas y se puede cultivar distintos equipos, por ejemplo en la arena jugar con rebeldes y Sith, en los asaltos cultivar resistencia en una cuenta y clones en la otra, en las naves usar Tarkin en una cuenta y Ackbar o Windu en la otra, el juego se vuelve más divertido si se pueden usar distintos equipos en cada apartado del juego.

    If you only want one account you can start with the Darth K account by 75 dollars. The price difference is because Darth K has a little less speed with the mods and 6 General Kenobi shards less, the rest is the same.

    En caso de querer una sola cuenta se puede empezar con la de Darth K por 75 dólares. La diferencia de precio es debido a que Darth K tiene un poco menos de velocidad con los modificadores y 6 fragmentos menos del General Kenobi, el resto es lo mismo.

    The payment could be by PayPal (credit card) or bank transfer if you live in Spain. If you prefer use the playerup system the buyer will pay the commisions, than are an extra 15% or 20%.

    El pago puede ser por PayPal (tarjeta) o transferencia bancaria en caso de vivir en España. Si se prefiere utilizar el sistema de playerup entonces las comisiones de playerup quedarían a cargo del comprador, así que el precio aumentaría en un 15% o 20%.

    You can contact with me by WhatsApp, Line, Telegram or mail:

    Se puede contactar conmigo por WhatsApp, Line, Telegram o mail:

    +34 684217556

    Line & Telegram ID:

    [email protected]

    In the iOS case, the process consist in that after the payment I change my Apple ID to the mail that the buyer want and I give the security answers to the security questions to access to and and change the password and the security questions and answers. Approximately the process delay only 5 minutes, and just after you can join in the account and start to play.

    En el caso de iOS, el proceso consiste en que después del pago yo cambio mi ID de Apple al mail que el comprador escoja y le proporciono las respuestas a las preguntas de seguridad para que pueda acceder y cambiar la contraseña y las preguntas y respuestas de seguridad. Aproximadamente el proceso son 5 minutos, y acto seguido ya podrá entrar en la cuenta y empezar a jugar.

    In the Android case, after the payment I will send an email to the EA technical service to indicate that I want do a transfer account from iOS to Android. The buyer must create a new account in the game, with the Android device, and give me the player ID, by this way the EA technical service will replace that new account by the main account, and from then will be possible play the account from Android and iOS devices at same time. This process delays 2 or 3 days.

    En el caso de Android, después de la compra enviaré un e-mail al servicio técnico de EA para indicarles que se quiere hacer un enlace de la cuenta iOS a la Android. El comprador deberá crear una nueva cuenta en el juego desde el dispositivo de Android y proporcionarme el ID de Jugador, para que así el servicio técnico de EA sustituya esa cuenta por la comprada, y desde entonces será posible jugar la cuenta tanto desde dispositivos Android como de Apple. Este proceso dura 2 o 3 días.
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    This guy Sorvi is selling hoard accounts in the "Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes" forum, which is basically the same account, he copied my system, I was selling like 100 accounts at same time, he does the same, which I don't care, but now as I got back to the activity and I again I have more accounts than him, he got angry and again applied a new entertainment which is against the rules, as is publishing the same account in repeated threads, only changing the ID number, but the thread has exactly the same content in each thread.

    He is doing it with the only purpose to have more threads and 5 bumps per each thread to try to move my threads to the second page and reduce the visibility, as he always had only 1 thread for the hoard accounts, is not needed publish 120 threads for each account, if he can do it, if the moderators not send him a warning at least, then I will do the same and per every same account I will publish 20 or 50 threads and bump a thread every 20 seconds.

    This guy is contantly breaking the rules, I will publish a compilation in the first reply about all the things he did, I think he finally deserves the permanent ban to stop it. Is a Russian who also like too much the war. The war must not be allowed in this forum, it harms the reputation of this forum allow Russians have a war attitude and do business with Russians like him, PlayerUp puts in risk his own business and be reported and blocked in all banks and payment platforms because of it, which is not my problem, but a seller being allowed constantly do these illegal things I will list in the first reply is not good for the reputation of this forum.


    All these threads are the same thing, only changing a number in the title:

    This guy has a big record about exploiting and breaking the PlayerUp rules, I share below all the breaking rules he did.

    I don't know why he is still here in this forum, he is not needed in this forum, if someone needs sell a SWGoH account I can sell it, and if PlayerUp works with me and expedite quickly the payments, I would use PlayerUp in all transactions, so the PlayerUp earnings will be higher, he is Russian and probably you like he has problems to receive the money and he not has another way than use PlayerUp in a lot of sales, but he is currently requesting contact him by Discord to get a disc0unt on his accounts, by this way the buyers can get it cheaper than the sale price indicated in the price tag of the thread. He removed PayPal recently, maybe got banned there LOL

    PlayerUp is in risk doing business with Russians, I let you know, soon or later the banks and payment platforms will block PlayerUp if they continue doing business with people like this who like a lot the war:


    When he got banned he said that from now all his sales would be through PlayerUp, but in every thread he says that if the buyers contact him by Discord, they will be able to pay by other methods, like Wise or cryptocurrency, also had PayPal few days ago, and they will get a disc0unt, they will pay less money than the indicated in the price tag of the threads with Middleman listing:


    But the real thing is this message in every thread:


    For example:

    This guy likes a lot the war and is contantly breaking the rules in this forum:

    He is constantly doing things against other sellers, trying get the visibility in the forum and harming other sellers, which harms the PlayerUp sales also, as, for example, he bumps sold threads to send the threads of other sellers to the second page. I'm doing the same simply because PlayerUp never did anything to solve it, I reported it 2 times, I reported it to all moderators I know and nobody does nothing, I'm completely ignored, as usual. Reported in Discord VIP and the same, no comunication in this forum it seems, I'm alone with that guy disturbing every day lol and the only thing I can do is do the same things he does, but multiplied by 3, which is the only way he learns to play with the same rules.

    Some of the things he did in the past are:

    1) Try to destroy the reputation of other sellers

    2) Publish items he can't deliver

    3) Publish fake prices and fake accounts

    4) Exploit the Middleman listings


    Hulk explained us this attitude. Got banned for this reason (link above) and others below.

    For if you not noticed, he said the following thing about PlayerUp:

    Hey, mate , I just received message on my email that u probably payed for my account. But unfortunately it was already booked today by another buyer for 24 hours , those guy should buy it.

    and from the other side I can’t accept payment through the site , cuz it’s super inconvenient service for the seller : site will resend to me ur money minimum in 3 weeks after your payment and takes for that ugly service 10% commission from me . So I’m working only directly with pay pal .
    Please chose status “buyer canceling order “ when the stupid site will open 3 way conversation and u will be fully refund . for any additional questions I’m available at discord:Sorvigolova#9747

    5) Send fake negative feedbacks to other sellers


    Already I reported it, as he did the same against me, one time here:

    Also I detected that in his same guild where he build hoard accounts he had an account named Absolutone1 which is the same username he used to publish fake feedbacks, so was confirmed.

    If was not a second account, for sure was a friend, as was playing in the same guild, maybe someone who purchased a hoard account and was collecting rewards there. Was an user who published a negative comment in my thread (which Rolan the moderatore removed) and when I got back to the activity, as I got inactive like 2 months, this user was marked as inactive, I think not connected in the forum during 3 months, but only 5 hours later after I got back he appeared again and wrote another message, which was his second message in the forum LOL so he only had 2 messages in the forum, both against me, a Russian guy, with an IP also from Moscow and playing in the same guild than Sorvi. So is very clear.

    6) Bumping threads with spam

    7) Bumping sold threads


    I reported it and Hulk replied here:

    He was bumping threads saying "up", or "updated" and also publishing a pic which has nothing to do with the account. Hulk sent him a warning.

    Currently he is bumping sold accounts to harm the visibility of other sellers, which also I do, only because the moderators are doing nothing against it, when I reported it a lot of times, when he is warned o banned because of it I will stop also.



    Ryan is another moderator who knows very well his attitude, about the contant bumps, bumping 30 threads in 5 or 10 minutes, to harm the visibility of other sellers, and now is much worse, because also bumps sold threads.

    8) Second accounts to avoid the ban


    He got banned a second account.


    The fun thing is he said that was a friend living in his own house and also selling accounts LOL

    It happened while he was banned. Then he used a second account to continue selling, exploiting the rules which say that the banned users cannot participate again.

    9) Fake positive feedbacks to his own account



    Got reported here:

    Again multiple accounts with the same IP, against receiving fake positive feedbacks. He got banned like 4 or 5 accounts as total. I think he currently is doing the same thing, but got some way to avoid the protection system, like use mobile data and change the IP each time, simply changing the IP, using some VPN which PlayerUp not detects or things like this, not sure if he still is doing it, probably yes, but for sure he did it a lot of times in the past, as Hulk and Ryan noticed and reported.

    10) Reporting messages with no reason to make them not visible for visitors


    I reported it here:

    When you report a reply of some message, appears the following message:


    So after report a message, the reply disappears for normal visitors. He does it against my list of accounts, as I usually publish in a reply my list. Also he did it in several threads.

    Probably he did more things, I need check all things he did, as is a long infinite list LOL will be publishing more.

    It's time to get him banned permanently finally


    Hulk said he had a last opportunity and since then he did several more things, first he started to bump threads publishing pics or with short messages to have more than 5 bumps per day, exploiting the system, then started to report messages with no reason to make them not visible for visitors, then started to publish repeated threads with the same type of account and price to harm my visibility and other sellers, so this guy is a non-stop, is contantly breaking the rules.

    I don't care what he does, I have automatic bumps, I never check what is he doing. He is contatly watching the forum and bumping threads when he see someone bumped a thread, as he wants be in the rank 1 of the visibility, he has a problem when is at rank 3 or 4 LOL he wants all the first page for him, so is contantly bumping and checking the forum to bump, if he used all bumps then simply he published pics or short words like "Updated!" which is a useless message, to bump again, exploiting the rules constantly, specially bumping sold threads.

    He is not useful for the earnings of this forum, if PlayerUp wants do a good business, only needs contact me on Discord at Quim#3389 already I have VIP Middleman added there, so can contact me, and all sales I do will be by PlayerUp if are expedited quickly, which are at least 1 sale per day with an average of 500 USD per day, would be more and maybe 2 or 3 per day with an average of 1000 or 1500 USD per day if you help me to improve it, which would be between 60.000 and 90.000 USD per year for PlayerUp because of the PlayerUp fees, which for sure will be much more benefit than you are getting because of the sales of this guy, we don't need him, we don't need war, we don't need guys who constantly are breaking the rules and trying harm other sellers, we need peace and we can do a good business without him.


    It's time to get him pernanently banned, he had a lot of opportunities, allowing him continue doing sales, but he breaked a lot of times the rules since then, and it seems now he is doing sales directly by Wise or criptocurrency, as is Russian and has problems to receive the money, so if he gets banned and I get a special treatment, the PlayerUp earnings will be multiplied by 5 or by 10 in this forum at least. So he doesn't deserve more chances, he had enough.
    #3 QLC, 9/16/17
    Last edited: 1/7/23
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    have you still got anyone of these?
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    Inbox if you do i am interested.
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    R2D2 has solved? I am interested
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