Strong account Level 261 Defense power 80,3M boosted Attack power 120M unboosted Medals 25,7M Dragons: Jul,Frostbiter,Renard,Ursa Icicle breeding progress 1019/1100 Emerald Ston for: Algor level 44 Morphos level 45 Sage level 45 Aster level 43 Fae level 41 Kinnarus level 33 Boosts: boost +100% (86) Tower HP (3521) Tower Atk (3359) Dragon HP (4133) Dragon Atk (3826) Heal Potion (4648) Defense Armor (2503) Defense Gunpowder (2864) Defense Hammer (1686) Timers: 12 Hr Speedup (34) 3 Hr Speedup (93) 1 Hr Speedup (123) 15 Min Speedup (64) For pics line ID: alshihri_fa
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Protect Yourself With PlayerUp Middleman Services Buyers Guide Sellers Guide Click Here To Generate A Buy Now Link
Can you post images of your base and dragons? It's really hard to just give money for some words you have written
Question some of the divines are missing the last stone, do you have the last stone for morphos,fea, aster, algor,sage,etc?
I can't get Morphos or Algor if I miss getting the last stone for the rest .. so the answer is yes. I have all the stones of the divines except Darkius I reached the garnet stone only.
I am interested in buying but some of the pics you posted are not your own, can you explain? You clearly don't have A&A bred but I can see it in your dragon roster! (The pic where you show your base layout) Edit: nevermind I understand what you did